Wednesday, December 14, 2005


Fays story...

Hello again,
I have been wondering what else to add to this blog. An old saying came to mind..young people of today may not have heard the expression, but whenever one needed to use a public toilet, one "went to spend a penny". This expression was coined because most public toilets were either a coin in the slot in the door (namely a penny in pre decimal currency ) or an attendant ( who was responsible for keeping the toilets clean ) was present to take your money. The toilets were always spotless under the circumstances. Perhaps the public was more responsible then.

Remember the old Garbo and Sanitary services. It was tradition to leave a bottle of beer at Xmas for the man providing the service.

Ever been locked out of a high blocked house ? I have . I left the house to take my daughter to the bus one morning, and knowing I would only be absent for a few minutes I did not bother to take my purse which contained my spare keys. Unfortunately my daughter pulled the door shut, with the key inside ) and on my return I found myself on the outside looking in. Fortunately I had opened a window over the steps and after removing the fly screen and putting a large esky on the steps I was able to stand on it then the rail and grab the window sill and hoist myself inside. I had the bruises to prove how difficult it was. I now have a key hidden downstairs.

I thought you might get a laugh out of the beach boy and girl outfits of the thirties. Maybe we would have less problems with skin cancers if we had kept to the neck to knee bathers.
See you later.

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