Wednesday, December 14, 2005


Allans entry...

I was born in Collinsville and have been retired 12 months.
Today is my first time on a computor.
I will add more as i progress.

see ya later


Fays story...

Hello again,
I have been wondering what else to add to this blog. An old saying came to mind..young people of today may not have heard the expression, but whenever one needed to use a public toilet, one "went to spend a penny". This expression was coined because most public toilets were either a coin in the slot in the door (namely a penny in pre decimal currency ) or an attendant ( who was responsible for keeping the toilets clean ) was present to take your money. The toilets were always spotless under the circumstances. Perhaps the public was more responsible then.

Remember the old Garbo and Sanitary services. It was tradition to leave a bottle of beer at Xmas for the man providing the service.

Ever been locked out of a high blocked house ? I have . I left the house to take my daughter to the bus one morning, and knowing I would only be absent for a few minutes I did not bother to take my purse which contained my spare keys. Unfortunately my daughter pulled the door shut, with the key inside ) and on my return I found myself on the outside looking in. Fortunately I had opened a window over the steps and after removing the fly screen and putting a large esky on the steps I was able to stand on it then the rail and grab the window sill and hoist myself inside. I had the bruises to prove how difficult it was. I now have a key hidden downstairs.

I thought you might get a laugh out of the beach boy and girl outfits of the thirties. Maybe we would have less problems with skin cancers if we had kept to the neck to knee bathers.
See you later.

Wednesday, December 07, 2005


Margs' Mission

Hi, I'm Margaret,
About myself…a widow of senior age status with four sons and ten delightful grand children who seem to be growing up so quickly.
For 14 years I was the Bowen Independent Collinsville correspondent finishing in 1998.
My life, family history and family generations have been penned and illustrated in a book form for my sons and future generations in the hope that they will know more of their families. Doing this was a most enjoyable piece of work.
Schooling in my day never incorporated learning computer skills; we did the three R’s as is well known.
Since coming to the Collinsville Connect Telecentre I have been compiling all my photos onto CD for future safe keeping.
Going a step further I have made some of there photos into a movie story with music complimenting each generation story. E-mail has been another area experienced.

It is with the superb help of Manager Sue, trainees Kate (2005) Carly (2006) and the volunteers Vanessa and Scott that my project has been accomplished. All have been most obliging and helpful, though I believe they have suffered in quiet at my computer skills, my thanks to these people. Grand children now want their photos put to a movie as they don’t have the set up or time with school studies. It’s called keeping Nana busy and off the street.
My thanks


Ororal Valley Satelite Tracking Station

When we first married Margaret and I moved to Canberra for me to take up a position at the Ororal Valley Satelite Tracking Station where we were responsible to track and record the earth and moon satelites, before any manned launches were allowed.
This photo shows the operations side of the building where the control of the 85ft antenna took place, in the far trees the 2 transmitters for control of the satelittes can just be seen. The car by the boiler house is sitting under a heater so that during cold, some times very cold, weather it will start easily and the wind screens stay clear. The hill to the right was fitted with an 80ft mast with small light and transmitter at the top to allow for testing of the big antenna, part of my job was to go the top to maintain the system,once driving to the antenna I disturbed a Lyre bird crossing the track.
More stories soon

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